Words of Wisdom

Sir Rodney poked his head into my cabin.

“We’ve been called for the meeting at 4.”, he informed, barely composing himself.

I contemplated doing a little jig for a moment but dismissed the idea as quickly. This was unprecedented. We had been short listed by a client for an important project. Most likely a clerical error, but we were in. As of now.

At 3:30, we boarded Sir Rodney’s two wheeled private jet and zoomed towards our destination at supersonic speed. All of 40 kmph. We reached the exalted edifice in time and took a few moments to help bring the adrenalin down to normal levels.

We waited at the reception and were called in while I was dream-talking with sheep number 896.

The 3 of them, 2 ladies and a gentleman, knew Sir Rodney. Which meant that I was the black sheep. Or the ignorant elephant in the room. I chose to leave it at that and shrunk down inconspicuously in my chair.

The meeting started with Sir Rodney making a valiant attempt to explain our proposal and why it was the best in the world.

There were points versus counter points. Arguments versus counter arguments. One versus three. It felt like Wimbledon. With me as the ball boy behind the champion, holding the towel.

After about 48 minutes, the odds overwhelmed Sir Rodney. Wounded and tired, he looked towards me for rescue. The three warriors followed his glance impatiently. There was utter silence.

You could hear your heart beat. If you could blank out the whirring of the AC. And the water flushing in the washroom commode next door. And the dog barking in the parking lot. And the cacophony of the drilling machines on the floors above. Never mind.

Yet, this was my moment. It was now or never. I had to make that one brilliant statement which would decisively tip the balance in our favour. I coaxed my reluctant brain to churn up the tie breaker. And it came to me like a flash of light.

“Anybody for tea?”

I observed Sir Rodney deflate with a small whimper. The three warriors stared at me incredulously. I stared back evenly with shining eyes, full of righteousness and pride. I could hear their brains working furiously. But who has the will to argue against such a logical offer?

They gave up.

The tension eased out over tea. As a result, we did leave a positive impression before leaving on Sir Rodney’s jet. To live and meet another day!

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